- In CRI, we are dedicated in creating great work place and gather top recruiters -
At CRI, the career path is clear and precise, supported by our industry-renowned training and development.
We strive to promote from within, based on merit, and the majority of our Directors/Partners are proud to have started their career path at CRI as researcher.
We care for our staff’s career development by providing them with access to diverse forms of professional knowledge and skillsets training.
With our unique training scheme, we have been awarded the Best Training and Development Initiative Recruitment Supplier of China by RI Asia Awards.
In CRI, we have a common slogan, “Work Hard, Play Hard, No Drama”.
We do everything at our best efforts to deliver the best outcome for all and enjoy our reward by sharing.
We strongly believe that we can achieve more in this endeavor.
CRI strongly believe it's built upon its talented people.
As we are continuing to quickly grow our businesses, there are a variety of career paths available to our consultants.
Trainee | Consultant | Practice Director / Team Leader
If you would like to know more about working as a professional recruitment consultant at CRI,
or you hold the same value as we do. Please submit your inquiry or resume to us.
Shanghai Office
Beijing Office